Product: NaviNet


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illustration of laptop, gears, and technology on a purple background
NaviNet Open Document Exchange Case Studies
Document Exchange allows health plans to share sensitive and confidential information through a secure, reliable and auditable channel. Explore the...
NaviNet Open
Doctor with laptop in hands with icons surrounding her
Revolutionizing Healthcare Claims: NaviNet’s Tailored Solution for Providers
In the intricate world of healthcare, providers grapple with numerous challenges when submitting claims to payers. From billing errors to...
Illustration of person with giant pencil in hand in front of a big checklist and stop hand sign
CMS Finalizes Revolutionary Prior Authorization Rule
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has recently made a groundbreaking move by finalizing a rule to streamline...
Illustration of medical symbols with cash and coins
Five Recession-proof Strategies for Payers
Economists can’t agree if the U.S. is headed for a “soft landing” recession, a hard landing, or no recession at...
Emerging Technologies Patient Centric Care
Emerging Technologies and Their Impacts on Patient-Centric Care
With many new emerging technologies in healthcare, we look at how these technologies impact patient-centric care. The Institute of Medicine defines patient-centric...
Illustration of doctor with clipboard with a Top Tips icon on a light purple background
11 Tips Payers can use to Automate and Streamline the Prior Authorization Process
How can health plans improve the prior authorization process? To continue our NaviNet Prior Authorization Playbook series, here are 11...
Medical Economics Thumbnail
Collaborative platforms drive health care efficiencies and streamline workflow
Health care providers face increased pressure to prioritize quality patient care while simultaneously serving as financial stewards of hospitals and...
Illustration of people holding big money coins and one person on a laptop at a desk and big stacks of money and a big clock
5 Ways Authorization Interoperability Saves Time and Money
Prior authorizations are one of the most costly and time-consuming transactions for both payers and providers. In fact, according to...
NaviNet Open
Future Healthcare Today Logo
Alleviating the Burden of Prior Authorizations on Clinicians and Healthcare Systems
The American healthcare system is stretched dangerously thin. The global pandemic forced hospitals and private practices to care for more...
dotmed HealthCareBusiness News
Mitigating healthcare challenges through payer/provider communication and collaboration
The number one goal for concerned interests in the healthcare ecosystem—payers, providers, and patients alike—is optimizing patient care.
BC Magazine:
Digital collaboration maximizes efficiency and reduces congestion in the health care ecosystem
The cost and scope of inefficiencies in the U.S. health care system are enormous. CBS reports that excessive financial waste...
Illustration of big red check marks over white square checkboxes with the subtitle: Streamlining Your Prior Authorization Process
Streamlining Your Prior Authorization Process
We know handling prior authorizations can be a hassle, so we’ve done the hard work and laid out the steps...

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