Organization: Healthcare Payer Organization


Thought Leadership



illustration of man with magnifying glass lifting a blanket for find hidden money
The Hidden Costs of Provider Abrasion for Payers
Strategies to Enhance Collaboration A time-consuming authorization process. Complex claim submission and reimbursement processes. Lack of transparency and communication. These...
2024 with the zero as a stethoscope
Navigating the Future: Key Trends Shaping Healthcare in 2024
The year 2024 marks a pivotal moment in the healthcare landscape, driven by a confluence of factors such as rising...
Photograph of hundred dollar bills and a shopping cart full of prescription drugs
CMS Drug Price Negotiations: A Path to Affordable Medication Access
The landscape of Medicare is undergoing a transformative change, driven by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and the Centers...
Photograph of a pharmacy's shelves stocked with prescriptions and drugs
Pharmacy Benefit Managers in the Crosshairs
Pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) have become the hot potato of the healthcare industry that nobody wants to hold. State and...
Photograph of 5 stars indicating a rating
Payers Take a Hit from Lower Medicare Advantage Star Ratings
Now that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has lowered the boom on payers by dropping the star...
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Five Recession-proof Strategies for Payers
Economists can’t agree if the U.S. is headed for a “soft landing” recession, a hard landing, or no recession at...
Illustration on a dark blue background of a woman and man struggling to pay their medical bills in front of a hospital
Oncology Spending to Reach $125 Billion in Five Years
While spending on oncology drugs in the U.S. is anticipated to reach $125 billion by 2027, overall drug savings of...
Eviti Connect
Medical Economics Thumbnail
How implementing advanced health care technology solutions benefits providers and payers
Technology-driven platforms lead to better-informed decisions that aid all stakeholders Originally published on Medical Economics In today’s dynamic health care...
ALM | Benefits Pro logo
Bridging the gap: Health care technology that combines clinical expertise with real-time data
The ability for health care providers to capture clinical findings, make diagnoses, and quickly align with the most effective evidence-based...
ALM | Benefits Pro logo
Evidence-based treatments and biosimilars are giving health equity a massive boost
It is time to use our available tools to create equitable healthcare solutions. Originally published on Benefits Pro With 2023...
Illustration of person laying on medical table going into an imaging system with the caption "Radiation Therapy: Where Are We Now and What’s to Come?"
Radiation Therapy: Where Are We Now and What’s to Come?
Radiation therapy (RT) is one of several treatment types for cancer in both curative and palliative settings. It is used...
Eviti Connect
Illustration of electronic and manual authorizations on a baby dark blue background
The Role of Prior Authorization in Value-Based Cancer Care
According to a study published in The Commonweath Fund Issue Brief titled U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective, 2022:...
Eviti Connect

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