With one login, NaviNet® connects you to the health plans that you use every day.

Tired of endless phone calls to payers? Are your payer collaboration tools draining your profits?

Stop wasting time jumping between portals and getting stuck on the phone.

Get the information you need with NaviNet!

I use NaviNet almost everyday. It’s easy to use and saves me so much time.”

Kisha P., Office Coordinator, BenchMark Physical Therapy

Discover NaviNet’s most popular features

We offer these core NaviNet features for free! No matter your subscription, your office can benefit from these popular features.

Health plan partner workflows

Access workflows sponsored by our health plan partners for free with your NaviNet account! Workflows may include claims, eligibility & benefits, authorizations, patient and practice documents, and more.

Intuitive navigation and seamless integration with existing plan workflows deliver a uniform experience across all health plans.

NaviNet has allowed me to work more efficiently by providing timely resources and systems that are user-friendly and intuitive.”

Jason W., Coding & Billing Manager, Nally Family Practice

Illustration of Authorizations within NaviNet

Quick eligibility and benefits checks

Illustration of checking eligibility and benefits within NaviNet

Stay up to date with real-time patient eligibility and benefits checks, including detailed information about covered services. Plus, enjoy the convenience of our virtual member ID cards. With NaviNet, deciphering outdated and worn-out member ID cards are a thing of the past!

I have been using NaviNet for the last 10 years. I can honestly say that it has made my work life much easier and more efficient.

David F., Clott, Matthew – Constructive & Reconstructive Surgery

Patient-first navigation

Experience patient-first navigation with NaviNet Patient List. Save time with all patients in a searchable list. Get instant verification of eligibility and benefits and jump directly into patient workflows like claim status inquiry.

I have been using NaviNet for over 20 years and found it to be the most user friendly and informative website. This is the first website that I use to train new staff and always my ‘go to’ for all types of information.

Debbie S., Office Manager, Hess Physical Therapy

Illustration of NaviNet Patient List Tool

Drug authorizations powered by CoverMyMeds®

Illustration of Drug Authorizations by CoverMyMeds in NaviNet

NaviNet partners with CoverMyMeds® to deliver NaviNet Drug Authorizations at no cost to providers! Say goodbye to paperwork and hello to electronic submissions for any drug under any health plan—including Medicaid and Medicare.

CoverMyMeds Logo
Learn More

NaviNet AllPayer solutions

Ready to elevate your practice with NaviNet AllPayer?

With just one paid subscription, your entire office gains access to our nationwide network of health plans. Choose the NaviNet AllPayer package that fits your needs and experience a new level of efficiency!

The best part? Everyone in your office will actually use it. A NaviNet AllPayer subscription optimizes efficiency, slashes operating costs, and lets your staff focus on what matters most—your patients.

AllPayer workflows

Choose from AllPayer Basic, AllPayer Premium, and AllPayer Ultimate subscriptions. Your choice determines which AllPayer workflows are available to your office.

Eligibility & Benefits

AllPayer Basic, AllPayer Premium, and AllPayer Ultimate subscriptions all include access to eligibility and benefits.

  • Enjoy quick patient eligibility verification for 1,270+ health plans, including commercial, Medicaid, and Medicare.
  • Access detailed information about covered services.

Claim Status Inquiry

AllPayer Premium and AllPayer Ultimate subscriptions include access to claim status tracking.

  • Track claim payment and status information for 660+ health plans.
  • Follow up on claim status without calling plans or signing in to other portals.

Claim Submission

AllPayer Ultimate is the only subscription that includes access to claim submission, management, and tracking.

  • With our robust clean claim rate, submit claims manually or by batch. Manage, and track claims to Highmark, Horizon, and 8,100+ other organizations—including payers, ASO groups, and third-party administrators.
  • Keep claims simple and cost-effective. Our competitors charge a fee for each provider submitting claims. We don’t!
  • Includes reports, uploading member information, and multi-payer support.
computer monitor icon

All-In-1 Portal

Verify eligibility & benefits, check claim status, and submit claims in real time with one log in

network interwoven icon

1,270+ Health Plans

Access our nationwide network of health plans with any AllPayer subscription

document with magnifying glass icon

Clean Claims

Robust claim scrubbing and validations with an AllPayer Ultimate subscription

clock icon

22 Minutes1

Average time saved per CSI or E&B transaction when switching to digital

document with crossed out mark icon


Change or cancel any time!

1. 2021 CAQH Index® Report. PDF file. 2021.

Subscriptions and pricing

NaviNet AllPayer

Feature Standard Basic Premium Ultimate
Health Plan Partner Workflows
Sponsored by our health plan partners. Includes claims, E&B, authorizations, patient and practice documents, and more1
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Patient List
Experience patient-centered navigation with quick access to patients in your office, their eligibility, and claim status.
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Drug Authorizations with CoverMyMeds®
Submit unlimited prior authorizations at no cost to you.
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Access our nationwide network of health plans
Includes thousands of commercial and government plans (Medicare and Medicaid) and third-party administrators.
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AllPayer Eligibility & Benefits for 1,270+ plans
Includes both commercial and government plans.
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AllPayer Claim Status Inquiry for 660+ commercial plans. checkmark checkmark
AllPayer Claim Submission for 8,100+ commercial and government health plans. Includes professional, and institutional claims. Enjoy batch submission uploads. checkmark
Monthly base price2
View detailed pricing
View interactive calculator
Free $75+ $100+ $200+

1. Available workflows vary by health plan.
2. Actual pricing/charges are based on transaction volume, from everyone in your office, for the previous month.

For more information email [email protected]

Detailed Pricing

All NaviNet AllPayer subscriptions feature a monthly base price combined with tiered transaction fees. We know that percentage-based fees can eat into your revenue; Our tiered fee structure ensures you keep more of what you earn.

  • Actual fees are based on AllPayer transaction volume, from everyone in your office, for the previous month.
  • Our monthly base price always includes up to 250 transactions.
  • No provider fees to submit claims!
  • View detailed pricing breakdown below or use our interactive calculator to determine your monthly cost.

AllPayer Basic

All the essentials your office needs to focus on patient care.

Starting at $75

Monthly base price includes up to 250 transactions.

Further volume incurs the following additional monthly fees.

Monthly E&B transaction volume fees

Medium Volume

High Volume
Over 750
+$180 and $0.14 per transaction

AllPayer Premium

Everything you need to help increase office productivity.

Starting at $100

Monthly base price includes up to 250 transactions.

Further volume incurs the following additional monthly fees.

Monthly E&B and CSI transaction volume fees

Medium Volume

High volume
Over 750
+$175 and $0.14 per transaction

AllPayer Ultimate

Everything you need to help maximize productivity and operational cost savings.

Starting at $200

Monthly base price includes a combined total of up to 250 E&B and CSI transactions PLUS up to 250 claim submission transactions.

Further volume incurs the following additional monthly fees.

Monthly E&B and CSI transaction volume fees

Medium Volume

High Volume
Over 750
+$175 and $0.14 per transaction

Monthly Claim Submission transaction volume fees

Medium Volume
Over 250
+$0.40 per transaction