Payer user roles

A NantHealth Eviti staff member or your system administrator assigns you a role that determines what you can do in the dashboard. All roles may access the payer dashboard to view treatment plans and to add comments and actions.

Role What they can do
System administrator Manage user accounts and manage the payer actions that appear in the Add Comments window of the payer dashboard.
Masking administrator

View patient names and any PHI about masked patients. Other roles see the patient ID only for masked patients.

When a provider enters a treatment plan, they may mask the patient for privacy reasons, for example, if the patient works at the health plan.

Authorization administrator

Authorize or decline treatment plans on the Approval Req'd tab.

Read-only user

View information and add comments and actions only.

Multiple payer access user
  • Access the dashboard for multiple payers. The Payer drop-down list lets users easily switch between payers.
  • Authorize or decline treatment plans that appear on the Approval Req'd tab.

System administrators cannot assign this role. Call NantHealth Support at 1-888-482-8057 to assign this role to a user.

If you assign this role to a user, you cannot assign them another role.

The following table lists the payer dashboard tasks and which roles can do them:

System administrator Masking administrator Authorization administrator Read-only user Multiple payer access user
Manage user accounts and payer actions Yes
View masked patient names Yes
Authorize and decline treatment plans Yes Yes
Access multiple payers Yes
Add comments and actions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes