Patient and provider letters
You can send us letter templates to use, or you can use NantHealth templates. When we generate letters, we automatically insert the appropriate patient and provider names and addresses.
NantHealth sends letters for chemotherapy treatment plans, radiation therapy treatment plans, and clinical trials.
- Authorization approval letters
NantHealth mails an approval letter when a treatment plan is assigned an Eviti code, which means its appropriate care based on the Eviti evidenced-based library and your health plan language.
We also mail an approval letter when the provider adds a supportive drug to the treatment plan and we approve it.
- Authorization denial letters
NantHealth mails a denial letter when the treatment plan is not assigned an Eviti code for one of the following reasons:
- The treatment plan does not meet evidence-based guidelines or health plan language.
- The provider did not supply sufficient medical records for a treatment plan that didn't receive an automatic Eviti code.
- We requested a peer-to-peer clinical discussion with the treating physician, but it did not occur.
We also mail a denial letter when the provider adds a supportive drug to the treatment plan, but we deny the newly added drug.
- Appeal letters
If you let NantHealth handle appeals, we mail an acknowledgment letter when our Eviti medical office receives the appeal request from you.
Then, we send an approval or denial letter depending on whether the treatment plan is assigned an Eviti code.
For more details and examples of each letter, contact your Eviti account manager.